Team GC Online Transformation
Learn to Love the skin you're IN!The fastest growing fat loss community in the world!
“I will always recommend the GC course to anybody that wants to make that change. It’s 100% changed my life!“
“The best thing about this is that I’m showing my own children that your hard work pays off. The best group I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of!”
A community like no other! Get in shape and learn how simple it can be!
Looking to join us?
Our last course of 2022 is now OPEN to full We will open 2023 dates and information very soon
What Is included in the GC?
We take care of all the training, we deliver up to 5 workouts a week with multiple coaches. These are live with coaches, but also remain in the group throughout so can be replayed anytime. These can be accessed anywhere in the world.
We take care of it all, you get a personalised food plan with your calorie and protein goal, access to loads of recipes PLUS we share education videos on different nutrition topics. No Banned foods on our plan!
Having a coach is important it helps you stay accountable, turn to when needed and above all learn from. We are real people helping real people get real results
Part of our private members only group
This is the game changer, being part of a team like ours that help motivate you, share tips and just be there when needed, it will give you that push we all need!
How Do I know If joining Team GC is Right For Me?
If your looking to get into shape, learn how to get in shape, have accountability, make friends and be part of something positive then its for YOU. Trust me!
Weekly check ins Via our check ins link with coaches feedback and adjustments if / when needed.
Live Q & As with Coach Dan - posted in the members only group.
Best transformation & GC long term member both win £250 cash & £150 voucher at
The GC Approach
Our approach is simple, I think that’s why its so popular. We give all members a personalised food plan with calorie and protein targets. We send out links to recipes and other resources, over the 6 week course we run Live workouts where we train as well as interact with the group. We do live question and answers, education episodes and more. Weekly we have clients checking in so we can adjust plans if needed. Not only do we do all this we also offer the best transformations £500 each as a prize. There is a reason GC is fast becoming the biggest transformation group around, sign up and see what all the fuss is about!.

How It Works
Booking your course
The first step is to book course. Once you have committed to us we can then work on your plan and commit to you. This is our last course of 2022 so if you want on get involved ….
Your custom plan & details
Next we work on getting you your personalised calorie & protein plan. Plus send you the course workout timetable, a link to our recipe database, your members only group invite and more… then its nearly time!
Joining our community
Lastly, it’s time to join our group. This is where the magic really happens, you will meet all coaches, members and just be involved in such a great group. We all introduce ourselves and through the course share good days and pick each other up on bad days. Motivation, Ideas, Tips, accountability and more…Lets GO!!
The Christmas Countdown Course
Our last course of 2022 is full…