Team GC Online transformation – Conditioning classes – MMA classes – Personal training & much more…

Team GC Online Transformation course
Our very popular Team GC online Transformation group. The ultimate online Fat loss programme

Team GC Transformation results & reviews
Feel free to look at some of the amazing clients we have helped…

Make sure to check out Good Performance Nutrition!
Team GPN bring you cutting edge supplements to help you insure your hitting your goals…
Hello! I’m Dan
Body Transformation Coach- Head Coach at Team Mahico MMA – Conditioning Coach – Father Of Two
A man with a dream, to take nothing and make it something. A passionate coach with proven results in many areas. Take a look around my website and feel free to message me.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone start MMA?
Of course, Mixed Martial Arts is for all walks of lives. I train and welcome everyone to learn the greatest sport in the world. Remember we were all beginers once, it just takes that first step…
Where is best to start?
Starting your fitness journey can be overwhelming especially when I offer so much. The best thing to do if you feel a bit lost is to message me, I am very happy to have a chat and try ease any anxiety you may have.
Do you do bulk discount?
The short answer is no. The reason is we are very in demand plus i have spent years working with many great coaches in may fields and my value is worth the price.
What is the best advice you can give to someone just starting?
The best advice I could give is to start, Simple. The hardest part is starting once you join our gym, MMA, a conditioning class, Team GC you will see how fun and addictive it really is.