Dan & Jamie Leigh
Take nothing & make it something!
Welcome to our website. A community like no other, No fads. Real people Real results!
Who we are
As I’m sure you have guessed by now, Team GC is run by us Dan & Jamie. We are a married couple that genuinely are best mates, meeting just under 10years ago. We now have two beautiful girls & unfortunately two like white fluff balls (you will see these on Team GC). Not only do we run Team GC together we also have a gym where we both run classes for adults & children as well as a supplement company.
Our Values & Beliefs
Staying True...
Staying true to what you said way after the mood has passed. Always stay true. This is a big one for us, we stay true to our goals, our dream, our girls & each other. We are real people. We don’t pretend to be something else. Stay true to yourself.
Enjoying it all...
Life is full of ups & downs. We try to enjoy the ride, there will be good times & bad times but as long as we always look to find the positive it will all make sense in the long run. Stay positive & always find the blessing. If your breathing your blessed.
Getting that 1% daily...
If you take anything from our values & beliefs this should be it. Getting 1 % better daily is the way we try to live. We don’t compare ourselves to others, we don’t do things to impress others. We stay in our own lane & look to improve that little bit daily!. Comparison is the thief of joy. Earn your 1%.
Our Approach
Our approach is simple. We enjoy life, we are fortunate & able to do something we love for a “job”. Team GC is ideal for us, we get to help many people transform physically & mentally. GC has given us a community where we are celebrated for being us & being real. We don’t promote fads, We don’t ban foods nor do we try to charge you a silly amount.
We simply look to educate everyone so they then can also get control. We allow people into our life through GC, we keep it real no smoke & mirrors simply a husband & wife wanting to make a difference. Come be part of our family.